Parents Information

Covid-19 Back to School Update


Only a plain black jacket is permitted to and from school (if you do not have the official school jacket). That means that red/blue/white etc. hoodies, jumpers or jackets are not allowed to and from school or even at break times. Only official school uniform is permitted in the classroom.
  • A plain black tracksuit is allowed the day students have PE but not a black tracksuit with stripes or logos.
  • Only a plain black trouser is allowed in our school – no leggings, Lounge pants etc.
  •  I hope that you can support us on these matters as we strive to improve standards of our uniform.
  • If at any stage you wish to order a school uniform or pay for a school uniform please contact: If at any stage you wish to order a school uniform or pay for a school uniform please contact:
    GM Schoolwear
    Unit 8A,
    The Courtyard,
    Phone: 091 739670
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Code of Discipline changes:

  • As always, if a student receives 3 incident sheets he/she will be placed on detention.
  • Detention will take two lunch time periods from 12.55-1.20 (10 mins for lunch) in the one week. This is 1hour 10 mins of detention in total. Students who are placed on lunch time detention need to bring a lunch as they will not be allowed to the shop. · 12 Incident sheets will lead to an automatic 2 day suspension.
  • Incident sheets are carried forward from one term to the next


  • Reports on student attendance are sent to the National Education Welfare Board throughout the year. If a student is absent for more than 20 days the matter is investigated and a Welfare officer may call to your home. It is your duty to ensure that each child in your care gets a full education.
  • If a student is absent a note explaining their absence should be given to Principal or Deputy Principal the following day(s).
  • Appointments whether dental or medical should be scheduled outside of school time where possible.
  • Any students who are absent or away on a school activity e.g. football match are still expected to get the homework off a friend – social media can be used positively here.

Punctuality & Early Leavers

  • It is vital that students arrive at school on time as it is extremely disruptive to classes when students arrive late. Any student arriving late must sign in.
  • Also, if a student is leaving school early they must have a note or alternatively get picked up at the school (not the Spar). Students must at all times sign out. This is hugely important for insurance purposes. Please try to ensure that doctor, dental and other appointments are scheduled during weekends and holidays where possible.

 If a student is ‘sick’

  • If a student is feeling sick or unwell they may be allowed the opportunity to sit out one class in the main office reception area.
  • If they are still unwell after one 35 minute class they must be collected as we do not have the resources to care for sick students after this time.

Chewing gum and mobile phones:

  • Gum and phones are not allowed in the school.

Voluntary Contribution:

We would greatly appreciate a contribution of 80 euro from each household for the coming year. This 80 euro is needed to cover stationary costs -  printing, photocopying, letters, stamps, replacing ink cartridges etc. It is also needed to buy materials for various subjects in particular Woodwork, science subjects & Home Ec.  This can be paid in cash or a cheque to : ‘Meán Scoil an Leith Triúigh’.

Diary and Locker

  • As with previous years the cost of the diary is 10 euro and the cost of renting a locker is 10 euro.


  • Any students who wish to purchase Personal Accident can do so at a cost of  7.00 euro per pupil which is valid from start of academic year
  • This is 24 hour cover for all social, domestic , leisure as well as all school activities.
  • It is recommended by the Board of Management of Meán Scoil Nua an Leith Triúigh that each student avails of this personal accident insurance.


  • As with previous years Art will take place every Wednesday from 2.00 – 4.00 (for Years 1,2 & 3) and from 4.00 – 6.00 (for years 4,5 & 6).
  • The cost of Art for the full academic year is 200 euro per student.

Supervised Study:

  • Supervised Study will commence on September 6th at a cost of 150 euro until the Christmas break. If 2 or more family members wish to do supervised study the cost is reduced by 30 euro for each additional person. The study is supervised by teachers and is on every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4.00 to 7.00.

Transition Year:

  • The cost of Transition for the full academic year is 350 euro per student . This fee is towards the cost of Friday activities. Students are asked to arrange transition year work experience during the summer months and a sheet is enclosed to assist you.

School News

Castlegregory, Co. Kerry

School roll: 68075O Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Phone: +353 (0)66 7139746

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