Senior Cycle



Maths, Irish, English, French, Careers, Religion, P.E.


Biology, Agriculture Science, History, Business, D.C.G., Geography, Home Economics, Art, Physics, Chemistry, Construction and Computer Science - click for more info (started 2020!).

Transition Year:

Transition Year in Méan Scoil Nua an Leith Triúigh is divided into 3 main components:

The academic component which involves studying Leaving Certificate subjects but in a developmental way – How to apply the subject to everyday life, self- directed learning involving projects and research

The development component which involves work experience, mini companies, music and drama productions, public speaking, media studies and school magazine, life skills and health education, coaching and I.T. courses.

The activities component where students experience many different activities with trained experienced professionals. Activities in the past included Photography, renewable energy, ecology field trip, legal studies course, driver safety course, wall climbing, surfing, mountaineering, Chinese, school bank, Business enterprise, Art and Design, Film making and Computer programming Students are assessed throughout the year for all submitted project work. Each student maintains a portfolio with all completed work and grades. Teachers maintain a record of student’s results throughout the year in their diary. In May students would be interviewed and graded on their years work.

School News

Castlegregory, Co. Kerry

School roll: 68075O Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Phone: +353 (0)66 7139746

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