Meán Scoil beat Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí in a thriller

Meán Scoil Nua an Leith Triúigh defeated Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí in the first ever Sciath Chuimhneachán Seán Uí Dhudhda competition on the scorelinf 2-15 to 2-12. The game was played at a frantic pace from start to finish but goals by John Joe Hussey and Brandon Hoare proved the difference between the sides. 6th year students Pádraig Rohan, Michael Mullally & John Joe Hussey were the driving force behind this victory but overall it was Meán Scoil's greater team work and desire to win that swung the tie.

Team Seán Uí Dhubhda Small

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