25% of Leaving Cert Class get 500 points or more
The results of our Leaving Cert class in 2014 were well above National scores as 25% of our students got 500 points or above with 10% of the class getting 550 points or above. This particular class were extremely dedicated to their studies and with the help, support and expertise of both parents and teachers they thrived. Due to the structures in place in our school class sizes are smaller which allows for a more personal school experience which has definately benefitted this group of students. The positive manner in which teachers and students interact on a daily basis and the atmosphere in the school makes for a unique and productive school experience. Our recent Whole School Inspection echoes this and it is certainly onwards and upwards for our school and our students.
Pictured below is John Joe Hussey who got 555 points, Jordan Walsh who received an amazing 610 points, Conor Shannon who got 580 points and Pádraig Rohan who got 535 points

Pictured below is John Joe Hussey who got 555 points, Jordan Walsh who received an amazing 610 points, Conor Shannon who got 580 points and Pádraig Rohan who got 535 points