Lucy Walsh in top 0.06% in Chemistry in Ireland

Meán Scoil Nua an Leith Triúigh 5th year student Lucy Walsh was selected to compete at the Irish EU Science Olympiad held in DCU recently. Following the exam she was ‘Highly Commended’ by the Irish EU Science Olympiad meaning she was in the top 0.06% in Ireland in Chemistry. Lucy was chosen for this event based on her Junior Certificate results where she received 10 A’s. Lucy had to study the entire Leaving Certificate Chemistry course in preparation for this event and was given huge support from her Chemistry teacher Mr. George Lenihan and indeed by her Junior Cert Science teacher Mr. John O’Callaghan. Lucy has elected to study Physics, Chemistry and D.C.G for her Leaving along with the core subjects and we wish her every success in what should be a very bright future.