Christmas Shoebox Appeal

The students and staff of Meán Scoil would like to thank everyone who supported our Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Over 220 boxes were gathered.

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Tom Moriarty

Well done to Tom Moriarty, son of Maura and Seán Moriarty, Castlegregory who won First place in the All-Ireland Youth Cycling Championships held in Westport at the weekend. This is a fantastic achievement considering Tom is still under 13 and he competed in an under 16 competition. His achievement is even more remarkable when you consider that he won the time trial event in the morning and then went on to win the road race by over 4 minutes that evening. Tom also claimed the White jersey (Best of British Isles and Ireland) at the recent European Youth Tour in Donegal as well as achieving a gold medal at the Community Games finals held in Athlone in August. Tom has already obtained a sponsorship deal with Roca Sports and O'Leary's stone Kanturk as a reward for these achievements. Everyone in Castlegregory and Meán Scoil Nua an Leith Triúigh wish him continued success.  

Seán Kelly visits Meán Scoil

Students and staff of Meán Scoil were treated to an hour long talk and Q&A session from current M.E.P. Séan Kelly. Mr. Kelly spoke at length about his life in Politics at a local level and his current role and duties in the European Parliament. He also spoke at length about his life in GAA with particular reference to his time as President of the GAA and of course Rule 42 allowing 'foreign sports' into GAA headquarters.

Pictured below are Gearóid O'Flaherty (a relation of Seán's), Lucy Walsh and Timmy Walsh with MEP Seán Kelly

Seán Kelly mep

School News

Castlegregory, Co. Kerry

School roll: 68075O Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Phone: +353 (0)66 7139746

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